Monday, March 26, 2007

Holy sweet action, Batman!!

Though the teams I like/pull for have not advanced to the Final Four, I am a potentially VERY happy camper.
JN and I are entered in two pools -- one through JN's work, and a national one through my nephew's baseball team fundraiser.
JN's work entry is a bracket I filled out; the other one consists of randomly-assigned teams.
I'm kicking tall ass at both!!

With JN's work bracket, I'm currently in 5th place -- but if my teams win out and Georgetown wins it all (how's that for a ballsy pick?), I'm guaranteed a tie for first place!
Then it would come down to total points scored in the championship game....I have 124, the other guy has 154.
Considering the guy I'd be tied with is a total dick, this would be way sweeter than just the 100+ bucks we'd pocket.

The other pool is crazier -- as of right now, we're winning the grand prize!!
This is a NATIONAL pool, so the fact that WE are winning right now is insane enough.
What really knocks me over is the amount of the grand prize: 1000 big ones!!
Yeah, that would make life just a bit easier right now.
The problem here is we have to hope UCLA (the only team we have left) goes all the way and scores a LOTTA points....PLUS we have to hope the tickets close to us don't have any teams left.
We can't view the other tickets, so we just have to cross our fingers and hope.
We're not nearly ready to count the money yet, but just being this close is SWEET.
And no, there's no bucks for second place -- you gotta win it all.
The odds? Not good.
But oh, mama, it's fun to think about.

I don't think there's any way we could win both (since one needs Georgetown to win and one needs UCLA), but I'll gladly give up the bragging rights at JN's work in exchange for 1000 bucks.
I'm humble like that.

In other good news, I managed to lose 1.4 pounds last week, so YAY!
(Love that digital scale.)
Gotta keep my ass in gear....I just realized I have 434 days until my goal target date of 6/1/08.
(Yes, I'm counting down.)
No more slacking!

Nothing for me to bitch about today?
Enjoy it while it lasts! :)
I'm sure that will change pretty quick....

7 days, 2 hours and 40 minutes until my Cubbies Opening Day!!

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