Wednesday, January 31, 2007

HOLY CRAP, is it cold!!

Anyone that knows me knows I am anti-winter and anti-cold weather in general.
When JN and I got married, I told him I'd move anywhere with him, as long as he was happy with work....anywhere, that is, except for north of Chicago.
I believe the direct quote I said to him was, "Don't even ask me to, because I won't go."
So where did we go?
Central Wisconsin.
Once again, I need to learn never to say never.
The wind chill here today is -5, and we've had a mild winter so's been much worse.
It's like I never really get warm until late April rolls around.

Still looking for a sitter for Sunday -- it's entirely possible we won't be able to find one, which will make this whole drama easier.
But I'm sure we'll end up going, so I'm just getting used to the idea.
Still haven't gotten over the sting of JN calling me a drag, but as time goes by, I'll forget about it....
As usual.
JN has a hell day at work today, so I'll go easy on him.

We've been wearing Bears stuff every day this week, which has been fun -- I Tivo'ed all the Bears media day stuff yesterday and watched it last night.
I'm getting so torqued up about Sunday already, spending it at his friend's house and missing half the game may not be the end of the world.
At least we're ordering some good Chicago food -- Chicago dogs from Portillo's and a stuffed cheese pizza from Giordano's.
(Insert Homer Simpson drooling sound here....)
It's costing an arm and a leg, but it will taste wickedly awesome.
Have you got some good plans for this weekend?

GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Just when I thought it was safe....

The Super Bowl Dilemma cranked up to high gear.
Yep, I should have known better.
After saying it was fine that we stay here a couple days ago, last night JN did another 180 and decided to dig his heels in, once again lobbying to go watch the Super Bowl at his coworkers'.
Apparently, JN tried to use the "we're not sure we can get a sitter" out with his buddy, to which his buddy said -- you guessed it -- just bring the kids along!
And when I was less-than-thrilled at that prospect, JN looked at me as if *I* was crazy.
I gave him my best arguments for staying here for the game -- arguments that I think, deep down, he agrees with.
But he's dead-set on going, and is now treating me like a stick in the mud for not wanting to go.
He decided to launch into a whole "you never wanna go anywhere" thing (which is patently FALSE -- I swear he makes this shit up), turning this disagreement into a blanket indictment on aspects of my character in general, capping it all off by telling me I can be a "drag."
Even when I've thought he was being a "drag," I would *never* say that to him.
I know how shitty that makes a person feel -- especially the one you're supposed to love and care about hurting their feelings.
But again with him, it's more important that he "win" the argument than spare my feelings.
After that wonderful moment, I called him on it and told him he was being unfair, and then I got met with the patent "oh settle down and stop making this such a big deal" thing.
I wonder how he would feel if I *ever* talked to him the way he's talked to me on several occasions over our 15 years together.
So what did I do?
Give in, of course.
So, I'm looking for a sitter for Sunday -- great, huh?
I should have known I'd be giving in eventually.
I should have just given in initially, so I could have been spared the bonus insult I got while trying to calmly discuss the whole thing.
He's not an asshole, but he sure is good at playing one sometimes!
So, yeah....Super Bowl Sunday is not gonna be what I wanted.
And I got insulted to boot.
Very nice.
So, I'm not in a great frame of mind today....I hope to be all sunshine and roses tomorrow.
Have a day!

Monday, January 29, 2007

WOW, has it been busy lately....

Just lots and lots of crapola to deal with the last few days, and I haven't even been able to get on the computer for anything. I hate feeling like I'm trying to get caught up!

Some loose ends to tie up....

We finally got our money stuff figured out (again) -- hopefully for the last time. It is an incredible load off, and I'm SO relieved....let's hope we're not standing with our backs against the wall again in 6 months. We won't be able to pull back as much as I'd like -- we just found out JN's high school reunion is this August, JN's dad's retirement dinner is in May (along with a retirement GIFT, of course), and my sister is planning a family vacation at the cabin this July.
If we're still ahead of the game next year at this time, I'll be fairly amazed.

The Super Bowl Party Dilemma is solved (I think). For some reason, JN just agreed to stay home -- no idea why. I wanna take him at face value and believe that he either a) agrees with my assessment of things; or b) gave in because going to his coworker's wasn't that important to him after all. But I find myself wondering if a) he's doing this to "prove a point" that he *does* give in to me on things (a point which he'll whip out later when it's convenient for his argument); or b) he's gonna make me feel guilty on Sunday (and therefore, miserable for getting my way -- in essence, "punishing" me for "winning"). Because of this internal tug-of-war, I find myself wondering if a) I've really got him figured out, finally; or b) if I'm just being a suspicious, paranoid bitch for even thinking such things.
The jury is still out there.

JN is climbing back on the "getting healthy" wagon with me again, which should make things easier for me in general. Along with that, he went out and bought a digital scale, which put me at 6 pounds less than the other one did! YES!!!
Whether it's accurate or not, I don't give a shit....I'm good with thinking I'm 6 pounds less than I thought I was.

We may be having another furniture conflict soon....and this one is of my own doing. (WHA??) In the past, we've kicked around the idea of getting a futon/sleeper sofa in the computer room and getting rid of the bed in here now (no one ever comes to stay with us anymore, and it takes up the whole room). Since we've got a little extra money right now, I started the process of looking/thinking about doing it, and got JN all fired up about it. The futons we've found are gonna range around $250-$300, and that's for a nice, new one. The problem is, they don't look that durable to me....if we're gonna spend the money, I want something the boys can jump on every day for years and it's still be able to be slept on. So I'm thinking the way to go now is to get a nice, used sleeper sofa -- in the midst of the Couch Crisis, I found one for about $250 that looked really nice and would probably hold up better over time. JN, of course, is completely opposed and wants a new futon.
Where will this one go? No clue.

Enough Bears are in the frigging Super Bowl on Sunday!!
I'm jacked up already -- it's gonna be a long week.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Super Bowl dilemma....

Okay, so as I alluded to the other day, yes, we have a Super Bowl dilemma....only we could have a crisis over something so silly.
The Super Bowl is always a Big Deal in our house -- we're all football fanatics, and we love getting into the whole spectacle and everything that goes with it.
Usually, JN has to work, so that means the boys and I enjoy it at home -- we get lots of junk food, park ourselves in front of the TV, and veg the whole day. Last year, JN was home, and we had a great time all together at our house.
I actually REALLY enjoy that....I get as much or as little of whatever food I want, I'm not distracted/bothered by anything (the boys know they either sit and watch or go play elsewhere!), and I'm in my comfort zone.
My TV, my remote, my sweats, my couch.
Well now that our Bears are actually in it, JN's Bear-fan coworker has decided to throw a Super Bowl party at his house, and JN wants to go (since he's off work again).
I'm not OPPOSED to going, but I see several drawbacks to going:
  1. JN's coworker and fiance have no kids....if kids were invited, that would be one thing, but this is a grown-up party, which means either A) we spend money we don't have on a sitter for who knows how long and bum the boys out we aren't watching the game with them (especially SJ, who really gets into it); or B) we bring the kids and I spend all day trying to keep them out of everything in a house with new furniture, decorations and NO toys. Both options suck.
  2. There will be a bunch of people there -- some of whom we know, some of whom we don't. We'll be forced to be social -- chit-chatting, being nice, etc. Blah. Plus, a bunch of people means sharing seats/space around the TV/TVs....will we get a spot where we can even see well? Will people talk during the commercials (which I hate), or worse, the game?? And there's always some asshole in every crowd when watching football who has to discuss every play called, every bad play made, every mistake, etc. I CAN'T STAND THESE GUYS, and there will almost assuredly be at least one there.
  3. It's the BEARS and PRINCE at halftime -- this is possibly the greatest Super Bowl EVER!! I don't wanna piss it away playing nice at someone's house full of people who I don't wanna get to know for fear of losing track of the game.
  4. We WILL miss key plays, key commentary, and most of the commercials -- that's how it works at parties, period. Not cool.
Despite all this, that's where JN wants to go.
To complicate things, my mom called the other night and invited us over there for the Super Bowl....she wants to have me down for a belated birthday thing, and she thought the Super Bowl would be fun (she's a big Bears fan too).
I see no real problem with this plan -- it would just be us, so no throngs of people. And they would be focused on the game and the commercials -- while there would be minimal chit-chat, it should be manageable. We've gotta head her way anyway, so we're not spending any extra money going there (we should be able to bring the dog with us), and she'll buy/make all the food!
While staying at home would still be my first choice, Mom's is doable to me....we get the whole "Super Bowl party" thing without all the Super Bowl party bullshit.
And JN's reaction?
No way.
He said NO WAY to going to my mom's, yet is pushing to go to his coworker's.
This makes no sense to me.
Any drawback there is to Mom's is TENFOLD at his coworker's.
I think he's saying this for two reasons:
  1. He feels as though he *should* go to his coworker's party, since he probably already gave him the idea we're going (which wouldn't surprise me) and we're such big Bears fans -- hard to come by in this area.
  2. He wants his way, plain and simple -- my way and my family sucks, his way and his friends rule. Or something along those lines.
I suggested I could go to Mom's and he could go to the coworker's, which I knew would be met with disgust (and I don't really like anyway, since I wanna watch our Bears with him). But it would solve the problem.
So what will we do? No clue.
I'll probably give in (as usual) and go to his friend's, but I'll be wishing I was at home in my sweats, screaming at the TV with all my guys, eating my pizza rolls....
I'll keep you posted.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Miami bound!!

I can't believe they actually did it!!!


And not only did they pull it off, they KILLED the Saints, 39-14.
Holy crap!
I gotta confess, I wasn't sure they were even gonna be in the game, much less win -- everyone and their cousin took the Saints, and I wasn't real optimistic.
Wow, did they prove the whole damn world wrong.
They're gonna face the Colts, which bums me out a bit -- I've been waiting years for Peyton and Dungy to get to The Big Game so I could pull for them. They finally make it, and I've gotta pull HARD against them!
But I'm good with that....2 weeks from now, it'll be downright EASY to have venom towards them.
When the Bears last made it to the Super Bowl, it was Jan. 1986....I was newly 16, and my life was not in a good place in general.
I'm gonna enjoy every minute of this ride so much more now than I did then.
WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My birthday weekend was wonderful....I ate lots and lots of Chinese food and other junk, laid around, watched a lot of sports, and did nothing in general (with no guilt).
I ask you, does it get any better than that??
I'm getting back on the healthy food train this week after all the insanity of last week, and expected to be bummed after getting on the scale this morning.
I got the second biggest shock of the weekend when I saw I'd actually LOST a pound!!
How the hell did THAT happen??
No clue, but I don't care, I'm good with that.
Hopefully after a week of being good and working hard, I'll see the same results.....
Otherwise, it's Chinese and junk food all day, every day!
WOOO HOOOO again!!

I'm just gonna go do the Super Bowl Shuffle now, thank you....

Friday, January 19, 2007

Happy Birthday to me....

Last night was fun with the girls, but not wild and crazy fun -- everyone seemed kinda blah.
But we saw "Dreamgirls," which was good, but LONG -- mind you, it was only a 2-hour movie, but it sure felt longer.
Afterwards we went to Applebees for some food and drink, which was nice.
I overdid it at the movie with just a small popcorn (HOLY popcorn, Batman!), so I was good at Applebees -- a grilled chicken sandwich off their light menu, with pineapple slices on the side and a great big margarita. YESSS!!
All in all, not exciting, but a nice way to spend the night.

I hit the big 3-7 today (officially at 2:33 pm), and I seriously, no bullshit whatsoever, feel exactly the same as I did when I turned 27.
How fucked up is that?
I keep getting older, but I feel the same....I hope my mind catches up to my body at some point.
I mean it's good to feel young and all, but that won't be a good thing once I need to be sent to the nursing home and I'm still telling everyone I can take care of myself.
I'm SO looking forward to a weekend of nothing -- I'll be catching up on sleep and eating too much crap.
It all starts today, as JN and the boys (they have a half day) are taking me to Red Lobster for lunch, and I'm already contemplating just HOW MUCH Chinese I'm gonna order tonight.

On a weird side not, I had an allergic reaction to something I ate last night.
Before I went to bed, I noticed I was really itchy and discovered red bumps on my arms, belly and back.
I figured the worst of it was over, so I went to bed.
I woke up around 4 this morning with a feeling like someone was squeezing my chest -- I couldn't take a deep breath at all.
I got up right away and took some Benadryl, which didn't kick in for almost half an hour.
I just laid there, trying not to get too freaked out and get back to sleep.
Needless to say, I'm really dragging today, and if it weren't for the boys' half day today, I'd be getting me a nap....oh well.
I can't figure out what it was -- the only thing that makes sense is the portabella mushrooms that were on the sandwich, but even that's weird, since I've had those a hundred times before.
I sure hope it wasn't....I do love me some mushrooms.

Well, here's hoping the next 37 years kick some tall ass! Hitting the Powerball this weekend would be a nice start....

GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Party Hardy!

I'm going out for Girls' Night Out tonight, and I can't wait!
It feels good, going out like a normal person (you know, "sans" husband and children).
A group of us get together once a month or so, usually on a Thursday night, and we have a great time.
No, there won't be any clubbing....I've already explained I'm not NEARLY hip enough for that.
But we usually do dinner, and sometimes add on a movie or coffee afterwards if we REALLY wanna avoid going home.
Tonight, we're seeing "Dreamgirls" -- NOT my choice, but what the hell. It's a night out, and I have a free pass.
Then we'll have dinner/drinks after. I'm psyched!
Plus, it's really the only thing I'm doing for my birthday (which looms tomorrow), so I'm gonna milk that and hopefully get them to buy me some stuff.

Tomorrow is The Big Day, and I'm looking forward to the weekend....we actually have NOTHING going on.
The boys have a half-day of school, so we'll be probably go somewhere cheap for lunch....then it's an obscenely huge pile of Chinese food for dinner, a piece of birthday cake (if I can choke it down at that point), and hopefully capped off by getting laid.
I hope JN's "up" for that....I need my birthday piece of azz.

See, I TOLD you I'd have nothing but nice things to say today!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Just call me Sickie

Well, yet another illness has descended -- this time on me. NOT COOL.
It's just a cold, but enough to make me feel very BLAH, blow up my head like a balloon and keep me from sleeping well.
Plus, I have the added bonus of having JN treat me like I have The Plague.
This morning, he wouldn't let me make him breakfast or lunch for him, out of supposed fear of my germs....yet every morning after I get outta bed he rolls over and sleeps another couple hours on my pillows.
He's getting more germs that way than if we were to kiss, but I guess he thinks it's different?
Hopefully this thing will be gone by my birthday Friday....not that anything special is happening that day, but I just don't wanna feel like shit on my birthday.
'Cause, you know, it's my day.
I wanna taste every drop of that horrendously god-awful pile of Chinese food I'm getting that night.
YESSSS!! (insert Napoleon Dynamite enthusiasm here)

Speaking of JN, I find it amusing when he does things he accuses me of doing.
He likes to call me negative, which I've always found funny -- I'm one of the most positive people I know (all sarcasm aside here), but he'll accuse me of being a "negative person" when once a month or so I bitch about having a bad day or not feeling well.
How often does he bitch about having a bad day or not feeling well?
You guessed it....a couple times A WEEK.
Granted, he works very hard and I'm sure he does feel like shit -- and I WANT him to feel as though he can vent on me, because that's what spouses are SUPPOSED to do for each other.
Yet, have I ever labeled him a "negative person?"
A couple weeks ago, he labeled me "inconsiderate," which upset me so much I almost got sick.
All I do is put he and the boys in front of myself -- true, the boys usually trump him, but that's outta necessity, being they're CHILDREN and all.
That outburst came because I forgot to pick up his prescription 2 days in a, am I inconsiderate or what?
It's impossible for a generally considerate person to make a mistake, right?
Speaking of being considerate, let's think here....for example, when's the last time he got up to help me bring in groceries?
I might get that a couple times a year....otherwise, he sits in front of the TV and watches me make multiple trips.
I guess that would make HIM inconsiderate, right?
Yet do I jump his shit for it? Call him things that are untrue and hurtful?
Negative again.
He seems to think hurting my feelings is okay, as long as he gets his point across....I go outta my way NOT to hurt his.
Why can't he grant me the same courtesy and give me the same benefit of the doubt?
I guess that makes me a better person than he is, right?
Well, maybe a better spouse, in some ways....
Okay, okay, YES, he's amazingly awesome.
And yes, I'm being bitchy.
But STILL! Shit.
I hate it when he does that.

Gotta go take down the rest of the Xmas stuff....I know he's already pissed at me because that's not done....
I'm sure tomorrow I'll be feeling better and will have nothing but nice things to say!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Daaaa Bearsssss.....

It's somewhat amazing they were able to pull that game out.
Did they deserve to win? Not sure. But they did!
Rex looked good -- not great, not mind-blowing, but good. Which is all he needs to be.
The defense, however, is gonna give me fits. I know they have injuries. I know those injuries are to key guys. But COME ON....does that mean the rest of them have to play like shit? SO irritating -- they are so much better than that.
So, the million-dollar question -- are they gonna beat the Saints next week?
I have a feeling if I asked the Magic 8 Ball it would say "signs say no." But I'm not giving up hope....they just may have another miracle wedged up their ass somewhere.

The visit at my dad's was nice. Although it's official -- my dad has become a grumpy, pissy, crotchety old man. He's always had a short temper, but WOW -- he's taking frustration to all new and ugly heights. The man seriously needs to CHILL OUT. But we all got spoiled to death, which led JN to feel guilty we didn't spend more on everyone.
Lemme ask you: Just because my family feels the need to go WAY overboard on presents (perhaps due to guilt over not being closer, or due to trying to one-up each other, or due to trying to show off how much money they have -- not saying they have ulterior motives, but certainly possible....could my family be capable of giving just for the goodness of giving? Magic 8 Ball? ....yeah, that's what I thought), should that make us feel bad because we can't? (It's not that we don't want to, it's that we CAN'T!!) I don't think so, but JN does. Wish I could help him out there -- if there's one thing life with my family has taught me, it's this: Get over it because you can't change it, and LET IT GO.
I should stitch that on a pillow or something....
Yeah, like I have time to do that.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Good GOD

I know NOTHING about being the President of the USA.
I admit that, I know that, I accept that.
HOW can this man be that dense?? How can he spend 6 years in office (thanks for that re-election, folks), and not listen to ANYONE who knows what they're talking about??
He knows nothing about the Middle East -- their beliefs, their culture, their way of life. Yet there are lots of people who do (i.e, people who study the Middle East, Middle Easterners THEMSELVES, etc.), and they've all been telling Dubya the same thing: More troops will make the situation WORSE.
There's no gray area here, no real opinions are being expressed here -- it's common knowledge among those who make their living making sure they know. I know *nothing* about the Middle East, but I think it's wise to listen to those who do....why can't our President do that? Instead, he's got his ears plugged and is standing there singing "la-la-la-la" at the top of his lungs while he doles out policy.
And people wonder why the rest of the world is laughing at us.
Okay, enough politics....don't even get me started.

Got the big weekend staring me in the face -- JN's company party tonight (JN says I get laid after -- YAHOO!!), then we leave for my dad's tomorrow and return Sunday night. I'm tired just thinking about it, but it should be nice, blah blah. We're paying out the nose to keep the dog here after all, which worries me money-wise but give me major relief stress-wise....trying to imagine controlling that dog for hours in the car each way is pain-in-the-ass enough. Throw in the fact that she chews like a MOTHER, and can generally wreak havoc around my stepmother's house with her spas-puppy ways, and I was downright dreading it.
Now I just have to worry about keeping the boys in line (no small feat there).

Here's hoping my family doesn't piss me off.... (too much, that is....)

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


I'm having one of those BLAH know, those days where you're just tired, unmotivated, don't wanna do ANYTHING. I know everyone has these, whether they work or not (I remember having these days at work too). JUST BLAH. My question is: Does anyone else have those days to the extent that making human social interaction of *any* kind requires real effort? I'm not talking about saying hi to a friend -- you can tell her you're feeling like shit and it's all good. No, I'm talking about smiling at the cashier at WalMart, making small talk with the other moms while picking up the kids from preschool, that kinda stuff. This is stuff we do all day, every day, without a thought -- it's what you do when you're a friendly, normal, fairly well-adjusted member of society. But when I have one of these days (which doesn't happen often), it's almost PAINFUL for me to force a smile or a "hello" to someone. Does this signal some sort of defect in my psychological wiring? Am I really a sociopath who's been pretending to be a nice person all these years -- and is the day coming when I cross over to the other side and never come back? Or am I just having a DAY? Hmmm....

On another note, how SWEET was it to watch Florida kick Ohio State's ass last night?? Not that I'm a Florida fan, by any stretch -- I hate that damn Gator-head-clap-thing they do. But I love seeing the underdog just swoop in and shock the hell outta everyone....and watching their coach cheering with the fans on the sidelines while the game was still going was so cool. THAT'S why we watch the games.

I hope this blah-ness goes away by the time JN's company Xmas party rolls around on Thursday -- gotta really make nice with everyone there. this moment, just thinking about doing that all night makes me wanna put my head down for a while.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Back to "normal?"

I guess things are kinda back to normal at this point -- we're getting back into the school routine -- but we've still got enough "extra" going on to screw things up. We hosted JN's staff party at our house Sat. night, and while everything leading up to it was HELL, the party was good. I know if I stayed on top of stuff better all the time, it wouldn't be as much of a last-minute nightmare for these things, but hey, I'm doing better than I was. Bite me. We've also got his company party this Thursday, and then we head outta town to see my dad this weekend. No rest for the wicked....things should calm down after that.

The couch saga has reached its conclusion, but not after a couple strange turns. The day after INSISTING we get a new couch NOW (and convincing me to do it despite my explanations of how SCREWED we are money-wise), JN suddenly decided we shouldn't get one. I'm literally walking out the door to go check out a couple, and he says forget it -- no explanation, just forget it. I pressed him as to why the sudden 180, and he just kept saying, "We can't afford it." (Very true, but keep in mind I said that same thing multiple times leading up to that, which he'd previously disagreed with/ignored.) No reason was ever given for the abrupt change in attitude -- he was even looking at me like *I* was crazy for repeatedly questioning why not. If I know anything about the man I've been with for almost 15 years now, it's that he doesn't change his mind like that about anything once it's made up -- unless either he had an outta-the-blue schizophrenic episode, or something happened that he didn't wanna tell me about (plus he seemed pissy at me too). WHATEVER -- if he's gonna play those games, there ain't nothing I can do about it but deal. So then I go out looking for couches anyway, and find a couple good ones at resale shops, and convince him to just go look at them....he goes, finds one he likes, and we buy the damn thing. So the good news is we have a new couch we both like a lot, we got the nasty broken one outta the basement (moved our old one down there for the boys), and spent only $250 total....the bad news is we can't get each other presents for birthdays or anniversaries this year, and I have the feeeling he's hiding something from me that pissed him off. As usual, it's gotta be good and bad for us -- can't be just good.

The scale stayed the same this morning as last week, which I guess is fine -- I was BAD the last couple days with all that party crap in the house. But still -- shit. Gotta do well this week, so I can maintain through the upcoming festivities.

Happy Monday! Yeah right.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Yep, it's Wednesday alright

Today was the boys' first day back at school, and WOW did that 6:30 alarm go off early! Yeah, I know, working people don't get any breaks, they have to wake up every day forever at the same time, working people rule and I drool -- I GET IT. Doesn't mean this morning was any easier....though I must admit I am *sorta* looking forward to getting back into a routine. (Just sorta.)

In the midst of our serious money issues, JN decided we need a new couch, and NOW. He claims our couch is the cause of his back problems, and he's not completely wrong there -- our couch is crap, and I know we need a new one at some point. But he also claims our bed is the cause of his back issues, and we sure can't afford to get both. As it is, he went out a couple days ago and bought a new phone system we couldn't afford -- but I told him if he took that back, and we made this couch each other's birthday presents AND anniversary presents, we'd make it happen. (We did win $325 in G's football pool, so that's why he says we "have the money" -- he doesn't get how badly we need that money for other crap.) What bothers me most about this whole thing is that we could get a whole houseful of new furniture, and he'd still have back problems....he's carrying around too much weight, and he isn't doing anything about it. He's been given lists of back exercises he can do NOW, even with the extra weight, and he hasn't even tried them. He won't exercise at all, and forget eating matter what I keep in the house, he goes overboard elsewhere. It's hard for me to say anything -- until a couple months ago, I was the Queen of Going Overboard. And part of his issues are my fault, there's no doubt. I just wish he would make an effort, since his health problems are costing us so much money-wise (with his doctor appts. and his 4 daily meds) and making him so miserable. A little diet and exercise, and he wouldn't be needing new furniture!! Okay, enough ranting about JN -- just irks me to no end.

Anyway, I'm feeling good -- got on the scale today and was the same weight as 2 weeks ago, before I drove off Sane Road and headed straight for Crazy Ditch, balls out. ("I can have a little extra, it's the holidays!" -- GOOD GOD.) Just gotta get back on track, which I was able to do yesterday (and hopefully today). Holy shit, one of my New Year's goals (I REFUSE to call them the "R" word) has actually held up for a day! The other one about controlling our money is going down the crapper fast, but hey -- 50% ain't bad, right?

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy Friggin New Year!

Well, 2007 has gotten off to the same kinda whimper that 2006 ended with....too much to get done around the house, WAY screwed money-wise, dreading going back-to-school (which should probably mean back-to-work for me as well). Does anyone else feel the same kinda letdown as I do after the new year? It probably stems back to placing way too much importance on "a new beginning" and "starting over." It's just another day -- the only difference is I'm gonna be writing the wrong month and year on my checks for a while.

I don't make "resolutions," per se, but I am recommitting myself this year to getting healthier (yes, the same thing I talk about every new year, but I've gotten a good start to it this year with SparkPeople....I'm down 15 pounds in the last 2 months, and 25 down from my heaviest, so I'm optimistic -- only 85 more pounds to go!). (YIKES.) My other goal this year is to get our money in better shape -- no, we won't get outta debt, and no, we're never gonna have a lot (if anything) in savings. But I just wanna get to the point where I don't go into every paycheck in a panic about how we're gonna pay for shit. Doing that for the last 15 years or so has gotten really old.

Some random thoughts:

What's the attraction to pro wrestling? Speaking as someone who CAN appreciate "Cops" and Jerry Springer, I still just don't get it.

Why are the Bears finishing the season so badly? I knew the offense was gonna be up and down -- that's to be expected with Rex trying to get it all figured out. But WHERE has the defense gone?? They started the year as the best ever, and now they can't stop the damn Lions or Buccaneers? COME ON. They're just pissing me off....they're looking like they'll be one-and-done in the playoffs, which is pathetic.

Am I the only female that likes sports? I know I'm not, but the way people talk and the way they market sports, it sure seems like it.

On a related note, am I not supposed to like sex as much JN, and if I do, does that mean there's something wrong with me? I think I like it more than he does, and again, the way people talk, I feel like a freak.

I swear I had more interesting things to say when I was thinking about this last night, but now they escape me....this probably won't be the last time! If I could get my brain screwed on straight, how much easier my life would be....

Happy New Tuesday!