Tuesday, January 9, 2007


I'm having one of those BLAH days....you know, those days where you're just tired, unmotivated, don't wanna do ANYTHING. I know everyone has these, whether they work or not (I remember having these days at work too). JUST BLAH. My question is: Does anyone else have those days to the extent that making human social interaction of *any* kind requires real effort? I'm not talking about saying hi to a friend -- you can tell her you're feeling like shit and it's all good. No, I'm talking about smiling at the cashier at WalMart, making small talk with the other moms while picking up the kids from preschool, that kinda stuff. This is stuff we do all day, every day, without a thought -- it's what you do when you're a friendly, normal, fairly well-adjusted member of society. But when I have one of these days (which doesn't happen often), it's almost PAINFUL for me to force a smile or a "hello" to someone. Does this signal some sort of defect in my psychological wiring? Am I really a sociopath who's been pretending to be a nice person all these years -- and is the day coming when I cross over to the other side and never come back? Or am I just having a DAY? Hmmm....

On another note, how SWEET was it to watch Florida kick Ohio State's ass last night?? Not that I'm a Florida fan, by any stretch -- I hate that damn Gator-head-clap-thing they do. But I love seeing the underdog just swoop in and shock the hell outta everyone....and watching their coach cheering with the fans on the sidelines while the game was still going was so cool. THAT'S why we watch the games.

I hope this blah-ness goes away by the time JN's company Xmas party rolls around on Thursday -- gotta really make nice with everyone there. UGH....at this moment, just thinking about doing that all night makes me wanna put my head down for a while.

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