Friday, January 19, 2007

Happy Birthday to me....

Last night was fun with the girls, but not wild and crazy fun -- everyone seemed kinda blah.
But we saw "Dreamgirls," which was good, but LONG -- mind you, it was only a 2-hour movie, but it sure felt longer.
Afterwards we went to Applebees for some food and drink, which was nice.
I overdid it at the movie with just a small popcorn (HOLY popcorn, Batman!), so I was good at Applebees -- a grilled chicken sandwich off their light menu, with pineapple slices on the side and a great big margarita. YESSS!!
All in all, not exciting, but a nice way to spend the night.

I hit the big 3-7 today (officially at 2:33 pm), and I seriously, no bullshit whatsoever, feel exactly the same as I did when I turned 27.
How fucked up is that?
I keep getting older, but I feel the same....I hope my mind catches up to my body at some point.
I mean it's good to feel young and all, but that won't be a good thing once I need to be sent to the nursing home and I'm still telling everyone I can take care of myself.
I'm SO looking forward to a weekend of nothing -- I'll be catching up on sleep and eating too much crap.
It all starts today, as JN and the boys (they have a half day) are taking me to Red Lobster for lunch, and I'm already contemplating just HOW MUCH Chinese I'm gonna order tonight.

On a weird side not, I had an allergic reaction to something I ate last night.
Before I went to bed, I noticed I was really itchy and discovered red bumps on my arms, belly and back.
I figured the worst of it was over, so I went to bed.
I woke up around 4 this morning with a feeling like someone was squeezing my chest -- I couldn't take a deep breath at all.
I got up right away and took some Benadryl, which didn't kick in for almost half an hour.
I just laid there, trying not to get too freaked out and get back to sleep.
Needless to say, I'm really dragging today, and if it weren't for the boys' half day today, I'd be getting me a nap....oh well.
I can't figure out what it was -- the only thing that makes sense is the portabella mushrooms that were on the sandwich, but even that's weird, since I've had those a hundred times before.
I sure hope it wasn't....I do love me some mushrooms.

Well, here's hoping the next 37 years kick some tall ass! Hitting the Powerball this weekend would be a nice start....

GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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