Thursday, January 18, 2007

Party Hardy!

I'm going out for Girls' Night Out tonight, and I can't wait!
It feels good, going out like a normal person (you know, "sans" husband and children).
A group of us get together once a month or so, usually on a Thursday night, and we have a great time.
No, there won't be any clubbing....I've already explained I'm not NEARLY hip enough for that.
But we usually do dinner, and sometimes add on a movie or coffee afterwards if we REALLY wanna avoid going home.
Tonight, we're seeing "Dreamgirls" -- NOT my choice, but what the hell. It's a night out, and I have a free pass.
Then we'll have dinner/drinks after. I'm psyched!
Plus, it's really the only thing I'm doing for my birthday (which looms tomorrow), so I'm gonna milk that and hopefully get them to buy me some stuff.

Tomorrow is The Big Day, and I'm looking forward to the weekend....we actually have NOTHING going on.
The boys have a half-day of school, so we'll be probably go somewhere cheap for lunch....then it's an obscenely huge pile of Chinese food for dinner, a piece of birthday cake (if I can choke it down at that point), and hopefully capped off by getting laid.
I hope JN's "up" for that....I need my birthday piece of azz.

See, I TOLD you I'd have nothing but nice things to say today!

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