Thursday, January 11, 2007

Good GOD

I know NOTHING about being the President of the USA.
I admit that, I know that, I accept that.
HOW can this man be that dense?? How can he spend 6 years in office (thanks for that re-election, folks), and not listen to ANYONE who knows what they're talking about??
He knows nothing about the Middle East -- their beliefs, their culture, their way of life. Yet there are lots of people who do (i.e, people who study the Middle East, Middle Easterners THEMSELVES, etc.), and they've all been telling Dubya the same thing: More troops will make the situation WORSE.
There's no gray area here, no real opinions are being expressed here -- it's common knowledge among those who make their living making sure they know. I know *nothing* about the Middle East, but I think it's wise to listen to those who do....why can't our President do that? Instead, he's got his ears plugged and is standing there singing "la-la-la-la" at the top of his lungs while he doles out policy.
And people wonder why the rest of the world is laughing at us.
Okay, enough politics....don't even get me started.

Got the big weekend staring me in the face -- JN's company party tonight (JN says I get laid after -- YAHOO!!), then we leave for my dad's tomorrow and return Sunday night. I'm tired just thinking about it, but it should be nice, blah blah. We're paying out the nose to keep the dog here after all, which worries me money-wise but give me major relief stress-wise....trying to imagine controlling that dog for hours in the car each way is pain-in-the-ass enough. Throw in the fact that she chews like a MOTHER, and can generally wreak havoc around my stepmother's house with her spas-puppy ways, and I was downright dreading it.
Now I just have to worry about keeping the boys in line (no small feat there).

Here's hoping my family doesn't piss me off.... (too much, that is....)

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