Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Yep, it's Wednesday alright

Today was the boys' first day back at school, and WOW did that 6:30 alarm go off early! Yeah, I know, working people don't get any breaks, they have to wake up every day forever at the same time, working people rule and I drool -- I GET IT. Doesn't mean this morning was any easier....though I must admit I am *sorta* looking forward to getting back into a routine. (Just sorta.)

In the midst of our serious money issues, JN decided we need a new couch, and NOW. He claims our couch is the cause of his back problems, and he's not completely wrong there -- our couch is crap, and I know we need a new one at some point. But he also claims our bed is the cause of his back issues, and we sure can't afford to get both. As it is, he went out a couple days ago and bought a new phone system we couldn't afford -- but I told him if he took that back, and we made this couch each other's birthday presents AND anniversary presents, we'd make it happen. (We did win $325 in G's football pool, so that's why he says we "have the money" -- he doesn't get how badly we need that money for other crap.) What bothers me most about this whole thing is that we could get a whole houseful of new furniture, and he'd still have back problems....he's carrying around too much weight, and he isn't doing anything about it. He's been given lists of back exercises he can do NOW, even with the extra weight, and he hasn't even tried them. He won't exercise at all, and forget eating matter what I keep in the house, he goes overboard elsewhere. It's hard for me to say anything -- until a couple months ago, I was the Queen of Going Overboard. And part of his issues are my fault, there's no doubt. I just wish he would make an effort, since his health problems are costing us so much money-wise (with his doctor appts. and his 4 daily meds) and making him so miserable. A little diet and exercise, and he wouldn't be needing new furniture!! Okay, enough ranting about JN -- just irks me to no end.

Anyway, I'm feeling good -- got on the scale today and was the same weight as 2 weeks ago, before I drove off Sane Road and headed straight for Crazy Ditch, balls out. ("I can have a little extra, it's the holidays!" -- GOOD GOD.) Just gotta get back on track, which I was able to do yesterday (and hopefully today). Holy shit, one of my New Year's goals (I REFUSE to call them the "R" word) has actually held up for a day! The other one about controlling our money is going down the crapper fast, but hey -- 50% ain't bad, right?

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