Friday, March 30, 2007


Today is the first official day of Spring Break!
Is it wrong I tend to get more excited than the boys do about it?
Really seems like it *should* be the other way around....
Of course, the weather isn't gonna be as nice as it was last week, but that's life in the Midwest for ya.
Sucks when I can't have my cake AND eat it too, ya know?

The Final Four is tomorrow, and it will either MAKE MY MONTH or crush me like a grape.
I need Georgetown and UCLA to win (both #2's, playing #1's).
It will either be my personal April Fool's weekend (as I go down in flames), or the rest of the country's (for picking both #1's to win).
I fear it will be the former....I can almost hear Destiny's "MUUAAHHH!!" ringing in my head as I came *this* close to utter, shameless, bonafide, balls-out victory.

I did a Girls Night Out (work group) last night, which was really nice -- only the 3 of us, which I prefer.
I can really be myself with L & L (or as close to myself as I can be surrounded by conservative people who believe the opposite I do about so many things).
I like it when H is there too....but I can do without T & C.
They both seem have a rod firmly wedged up their asses, and though the time with them is still enjoyable, seeing their sour pusses across the table can be a bit dampening on the spirit of things.
Why can't everyone just be like ME?
Would make life so much easier (for me anyway, which -- let's face it -- IS all that matters.)
It should be a while before I see either Girls group again soon (work or school)....which is probably a good thing.
The restaurant L & L chose last night wasn't good on my wallet or waistline.
But it was deadly good on my tastebuds....ooooh baby!
An Italian Bistro with homemade pastas, breads and sauces....2-for-1 glasses of sangria....and all pasta dishes are bottomless!
That should hold me for a while.

Happy Spring Break!!
(I would wish you a Happy Spring, but I refuse to do that when Spring is still off in the distance for a while yet up here....yeah, I'm jealous and spiteful like that.)

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