Monday, April 23, 2007


No, I still haven't figured out the whole job/money thing yet.
But I'm tired of thinking about it.
I'll keep you posted when some solution presents itself....enough bitching about it already.

I had a WTF moment with my wonderful middle child yesterday.
JM had been outside playing all day (as they all were), since it's FINALLY warming up and it was gorgeous out.
I had to call them in earlier than they wanted, due to it being a school night, etc....
So after being greeted with the standard "AW MOM's!!" they picked up everything outside and started to come in.
JM informs me he can't find his shoe.
Not both shoes, mind you....he was wearing one.
Couldn't find the other one.
So, thinking this shouldn't be too tough to sort out, I start asking....
"Where did you last see it?"
His response?
"I don't know."
I continue.
"Well, why aren't you wearing it?"
"I don't know."
"Were you playing with it?"
"No, [his friend] H was throwing it."
"Why was he doing that??"
"I don't know."
*heavy sigh*
"Where was H throwing it?"
....all together now.....
"I don't know."
By now, my frustration level reached the point of not being able to speak anymore.
Of course, it's now late, dark, and there's rain on the way, so looking in the morning is out.
And yes, these are his only shoes.
Fortunately, my oldest son found it (once I enlisted him to the search crew), which was pretty damn funny considering he had no idea where JM last had it either.
Where was it?
Under the neighbor's bush, of course.
Now, Bill Cosby did the all-time greatest bit about kids and their "I don't knows," and I won't attempt to revisit that here.
But put that aside for a moment: HOW does an otherwise smart kid NOT KNOW
  1. why the shoe came off his foot
  2. where it was last seen
  3. why H was throwing it
  4. where H was throwing it
I mean, if he saw H throwing it, why didn't he know WHERE that was taking place?
Am I overthinking this?
JN told me I had to let it go, otherwise my head was likely to explode.
And he was right.
And I did.
But still....HOW does one not know when/where/why one's shoe came off....
And if one sees one's friend playing with it....
How does one not know WHERE said friend was playing with it??....
Okay, I better really let it go for good.
My head's starting to hurt.
Is this normal behavior for a 7-year-old, or is mine just....special?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, hey, hey. I've been gone a long time and it looks like you have to...what's up? How's baseball going?