Monday, January 22, 2007

Miami bound!!

I can't believe they actually did it!!!


And not only did they pull it off, they KILLED the Saints, 39-14.
Holy crap!
I gotta confess, I wasn't sure they were even gonna be in the game, much less win -- everyone and their cousin took the Saints, and I wasn't real optimistic.
Wow, did they prove the whole damn world wrong.
They're gonna face the Colts, which bums me out a bit -- I've been waiting years for Peyton and Dungy to get to The Big Game so I could pull for them. They finally make it, and I've gotta pull HARD against them!
But I'm good with that....2 weeks from now, it'll be downright EASY to have venom towards them.
When the Bears last made it to the Super Bowl, it was Jan. 1986....I was newly 16, and my life was not in a good place in general.
I'm gonna enjoy every minute of this ride so much more now than I did then.
WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My birthday weekend was wonderful....I ate lots and lots of Chinese food and other junk, laid around, watched a lot of sports, and did nothing in general (with no guilt).
I ask you, does it get any better than that??
I'm getting back on the healthy food train this week after all the insanity of last week, and expected to be bummed after getting on the scale this morning.
I got the second biggest shock of the weekend when I saw I'd actually LOST a pound!!
How the hell did THAT happen??
No clue, but I don't care, I'm good with that.
Hopefully after a week of being good and working hard, I'll see the same results.....
Otherwise, it's Chinese and junk food all day, every day!
WOOO HOOOO again!!

I'm just gonna go do the Super Bowl Shuffle now, thank you....


Anonymous said...

Hey CC,
I love the wonderwoman graphic! Big football weekend for you guys! Don't you just love the build-up to S.S.? Will you host your own party? Or do you prefer to watch without having to entertain guests? I have the same bizzare weight happenings. When I least expect it weight disappears (not that much--no like those people who lose weight when stressed, sick, etc.)and when I've been really "good," the scale doesn't budge. Hang in there. You better do well before SS because you can't worry about eating that day.

CC said...

So true Kathie....SS means JUNK FOOD OVERKILL! :)

We're in the midst of an SS party dilemma right now -- JN's Bear fan coworker is hosting a party, but that means not watching it with our boys (which would bum them out), paying for a sitter (which bums me out), and having to deal with too many people fighting over one TV set (can you say SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP??); also, my mom invited us to her place, but JN is NOT wanting to do that; or we can stay here (my personal choice). We shall idea how this one's gonna pan out.

It's a nice problem to have though! :D