Monday, January 29, 2007
WOW, has it been busy lately....
Just lots and lots of crapola to deal with the last few days, and I haven't even been able to get on the computer for anything. I hate feeling like I'm trying to get caught up!
Some loose ends to tie up....
We finally got our money stuff figured out (again) -- hopefully for the last time. It is an incredible load off, and I'm SO relieved....let's hope we're not standing with our backs against the wall again in 6 months. We won't be able to pull back as much as I'd like -- we just found out JN's high school reunion is this August, JN's dad's retirement dinner is in May (along with a retirement GIFT, of course), and my sister is planning a family vacation at the cabin this July.
If we're still ahead of the game next year at this time, I'll be fairly amazed.
The Super Bowl Party Dilemma is solved (I think). For some reason, JN just agreed to stay home -- no idea why. I wanna take him at face value and believe that he either a) agrees with my assessment of things; or b) gave in because going to his coworker's wasn't that important to him after all. But I find myself wondering if a) he's doing this to "prove a point" that he *does* give in to me on things (a point which he'll whip out later when it's convenient for his argument); or b) he's gonna make me feel guilty on Sunday (and therefore, miserable for getting my way -- in essence, "punishing" me for "winning"). Because of this internal tug-of-war, I find myself wondering if a) I've really got him figured out, finally; or b) if I'm just being a suspicious, paranoid bitch for even thinking such things.
The jury is still out there.
JN is climbing back on the "getting healthy" wagon with me again, which should make things easier for me in general. Along with that, he went out and bought a digital scale, which put me at 6 pounds less than the other one did! YES!!!
Whether it's accurate or not, I don't give a shit....I'm good with thinking I'm 6 pounds less than I thought I was.
We may be having another furniture conflict soon....and this one is of my own doing. (WHA??) In the past, we've kicked around the idea of getting a futon/sleeper sofa in the computer room and getting rid of the bed in here now (no one ever comes to stay with us anymore, and it takes up the whole room). Since we've got a little extra money right now, I started the process of looking/thinking about doing it, and got JN all fired up about it. The futons we've found are gonna range around $250-$300, and that's for a nice, new one. The problem is, they don't look that durable to me....if we're gonna spend the money, I want something the boys can jump on every day for years and it's still be able to be slept on. So I'm thinking the way to go now is to get a nice, used sleeper sofa -- in the midst of the Couch Crisis, I found one for about $250 that looked really nice and would probably hold up better over time. JN, of course, is completely opposed and wants a new futon.
Where will this one go? No clue.
Enough Bears are in the frigging Super Bowl on Sunday!!
I'm jacked up already -- it's gonna be a long week.
Some loose ends to tie up....
We finally got our money stuff figured out (again) -- hopefully for the last time. It is an incredible load off, and I'm SO relieved....let's hope we're not standing with our backs against the wall again in 6 months. We won't be able to pull back as much as I'd like -- we just found out JN's high school reunion is this August, JN's dad's retirement dinner is in May (along with a retirement GIFT, of course), and my sister is planning a family vacation at the cabin this July.
If we're still ahead of the game next year at this time, I'll be fairly amazed.
The Super Bowl Party Dilemma is solved (I think). For some reason, JN just agreed to stay home -- no idea why. I wanna take him at face value and believe that he either a) agrees with my assessment of things; or b) gave in because going to his coworker's wasn't that important to him after all. But I find myself wondering if a) he's doing this to "prove a point" that he *does* give in to me on things (a point which he'll whip out later when it's convenient for his argument); or b) he's gonna make me feel guilty on Sunday (and therefore, miserable for getting my way -- in essence, "punishing" me for "winning"). Because of this internal tug-of-war, I find myself wondering if a) I've really got him figured out, finally; or b) if I'm just being a suspicious, paranoid bitch for even thinking such things.
The jury is still out there.
JN is climbing back on the "getting healthy" wagon with me again, which should make things easier for me in general. Along with that, he went out and bought a digital scale, which put me at 6 pounds less than the other one did! YES!!!
Whether it's accurate or not, I don't give a shit....I'm good with thinking I'm 6 pounds less than I thought I was.
We may be having another furniture conflict soon....and this one is of my own doing. (WHA??) In the past, we've kicked around the idea of getting a futon/sleeper sofa in the computer room and getting rid of the bed in here now (no one ever comes to stay with us anymore, and it takes up the whole room). Since we've got a little extra money right now, I started the process of looking/thinking about doing it, and got JN all fired up about it. The futons we've found are gonna range around $250-$300, and that's for a nice, new one. The problem is, they don't look that durable to me....if we're gonna spend the money, I want something the boys can jump on every day for years and it's still be able to be slept on. So I'm thinking the way to go now is to get a nice, used sleeper sofa -- in the midst of the Couch Crisis, I found one for about $250 that looked really nice and would probably hold up better over time. JN, of course, is completely opposed and wants a new futon.
Where will this one go? No clue.
Enough Bears are in the frigging Super Bowl on Sunday!!
I'm jacked up already -- it's gonna be a long week.
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Hi CC, you'll both be too into the game to worry about who won the argument--just who's winning the game! Why don't you get a day bed? YOu can later get a trundle for underneath, but if you have a value city furniture, they usually have inexpensive daybeds and they're comfortable???? Just a thought.
Oh, I finally managed to update my links and added yours...sorry to take so long!
Thanks Kathie -- you're a sweetie!
The day bed is a good idea....I wish we had a Value City, I've heard of them before. Hopefully we can find something to agree on -- probably just in time for us to disagree on something else! :)
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